HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 7 (2023)

Level of Speaking Proficiency of ESL Pre-Service Teachers When Grouped According to Sex, Age, and Year Level

Psyny Belle Belangoy | Hillary Delos Reyes | Gia De Leon | Mark Joy Antiveros | Michelle Viña | Maria Ezelle Bayog

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted to determine the level of speaking proficiency of English pre-service teachers in one of the Higher Education Institutions in Midsayap and to know if there is a significant difference and relationship between their sex, age, and year level in terms of their speaking proficiency. A descriptive correlation design was used in this study. First, it covered the demographic profile of the respondents. The researchers used the frequency and percentage distribution of fifty-seven respondents. Second, it discussed the respondents' level of speaking proficiency. Third, their level of speaking proficiency by grouping them according to their sex, age, and year level. Their proficiency level is measured through an impromptu speaking test. They are rated by the three inter-raters using a rubric. The rubric contains five speaking components: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Findings reveal that BSED English students are superior in speaking the English language. There is also a significant difference between males and females in terms of their level of English-speaking proficiency. The male respondents are more proficient in speaking English than the female. There is no association between their sex, age, year level, and their level of speaking proficiency. Therefore, the study recommends that students improve their speaking proficiency, especially in the fluent component, which needs more attention. Teachers may give speaking activities such as impromptu, extemporaneous class, debate, picture analysis, public speaking, and oratorical speech that could help students enhance their English speaking skills. Also, the researchers recommend making another study related to this study but with additional variables to make it more substantial.


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