HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 7 (2023)

MRT: Morong National Senior High School Research Typestyles

Jhoa Kim Mendiola

Discipline: Education



Research writing is a crucial aspect of academic pursuits as one of the applied subjects in Senior High School. It involves careful scientific exploration, investigation, analysis and synthesis of existing knowledge to generate new ideas. Its accomplishment primarily lies on the clear and brief guidance of research format which this paper operationally defined as research typestyles as the physical structure and organization of a research study including the sections and content. Since establishment, the school has no existing localized materials developed to address confusions and uniformity among learners on what research format should be used and followed. Henceforth, this paper sought only to produce and evaluate the MRT: Morong National Senior High School Research Typestyles; a guide intended to scaffold the part-by-part research writing of Grades 11 and 12 learners of the said school. Affixed in developmental research design, selected twenty-six (26) experts through snowball sampling found that the three factors specifically the content, the format, and the presentation and organization of the developed research typestyles were very satisfactory. Thus, its validation results demonstrate that the developed MRT can be highly operative as an instructional material and a research format for teaching and guiding learner-researchers in research writing.


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