HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 5 (2023)

The Impact of Parental Involvement in the Academic Performance of the Selected Grade 8 Students in Mathematics

Mary Anne Domalanta | Janes Dulay | Jaigie Lardizabal

Discipline: Psychology



The threat of public health issues on COVID-19 is one of the problems that need to be addressed in Education nowadays. The Department of Education mandated that distance learning be implemented in schools all over the country. The classroom will be their own home, parents or guardians of the students should be the learning partners in education. In line with this, the researchers would like to find the impact of this parental involvement on 50 students having difficulty in Mathematics in the new normal. This study utilized the mixed method research design, the instrument of the study underwent validity through the panel of experts and it was tested for its reliability via Google Forms. The researchers got the mathematical performance of the students by computing their average for the two semesters, from 82.13% to 87.17% with a difference of 5.04%. This was proven by getting the significance using t-test correlation-dependent samples where the computed T value of 20.90 was greater than the tabular T value of 2.009 at a 0.05 level of significance. The computed value is outside the acceptance area so that the null hypothesis is rejected, which means that there is a significant difference after the involvement of parents in terms of assisting, helping, and guiding their children in lessons or competencies of the subject matter of their child; attending PTA meeting, communication with the teachers and getting the report card; academic requirements, assessments or activities needed to submit by their child. Thus, the result was further supported by the follow-up interview with the students wherein they cited the importance of parental involvement in their studies in Distance Education.


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