HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 8 (2023)

Belief in the Young: Journey of SPED Receiving Teachers in Teaching Learners with Special Education Needs

Ramen Jay Dumilig | Asmirah Abdulrahman

Discipline: Education



This study, Belief in The Young: Journey of Sped Receiving Teachers in Teaching Learners with Special Education Needs. This study aims to gain insights on the journey of the SPED receiving teachers in believing the young with special education needs. This is an autoethnographic qualitative study and utilized sharing guide questionnaires in gathering the data from the SPED-receiving teachers to gain insights from their personal journey on how they express their beliefs to the learners with special education needs. The qualitative data in this study were collected through the personal sharing of SPED-receiving teachers. Consequently, the concepts and themes were drawn using thematic analysis based on the problems or questions.


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