HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 10 (2024)

Graduating Students’ Employability Skills: Basis for Intervention Program

Mohammadsharif  Abdulhamid | Dayana Alim | Radzmier Hadjaraini | Ebni Jal Usman | Al-Barr  Anuddin | Vina  Maddasali

Discipline: Education



The aim of this study was to examine the level of skills developed by the graduating students in MSU-TCTO need for a job. This specifically investigated their skills on basic Information Technology, Writing, Speaking and Personal and interpersonal skills which are vital in applying a job. This study utilized a descriptive quantitative research design. Further, statistical tool like weighted mean was used in analyzing the gathered data from the 262 graduating students of the Academic Year 2022-2023 at MSU-TCTO.Applying the mean range of the weighted mean, the results showed that level of the skills developed by the graduating students in terms of Basic IT Skill in 4 colleges (COED, CAS, COF and CIAS) were Averagely Developed, IOES college Highly Developed and IICT college was Very Highly Developed. Writing Skill, the 5 colleges (COED, CAS, COF, CIAS and IICT) were regarded as Averagely Developed except for IOES was Highly Developed. Speaking Skill, the 5 colleges (COED, CAS, COF, CIAS and IICT) were regarded as Averagely Developed except for IOES was Highly Developed. and Personal and Interpersonal Skill, the all 6 colleges are regarded as Highly Developed. Therefore, this study concludes that the MSU-TCTO graduating students of Academic Year 2022-2023 are equipped with necessary skills such as basic IT skills, Writing skills, Speaking Skills and Personal and Interpersonal Skills that are needed to applying for a job once they finish their respective degrees. Although intervention is lightly encouraged to further develop the above-mentioned skills through training and seminar so that they will be more confident and ready for real life jobs..


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