HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 9 (2024)

HUMSS Graduates Landing Station: A Phenomenology

Vincent  Redolosa | Jobert Maninang |  Joy Villamil | Eva Chandrina Torregoza | Mark Anthony  Baena | Cyril Cabello

Discipline: Education



One of the academic strands offered by the Philippine Education in the Senior High School department is the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) which encapsulates branches of knowledge in science. This is in line with Republic Act stipulated in the Philippines laws numbered 10533. Anchored on Deped Order 51, s 2015, students who intend to study humanities and social sciences in higher education should enroll in the Humanities and social sciences. This study aims to examine the landing station of HUMMS graduates of the Division of Bais City. The lack of empirical studies that especially concentrate on the lived experiences of HUMSS graduates may be one potential research gap in this area. The study is enlightened by the theory of descriptive phenomenology by the philosopher Edmund Husserl. The Husserlian descriptive phenomenology design was used for this qualitative study. The researchers separately performed one-on-one interviews in the study of the lived experience of HUMSS graduates, which helped to get a holistic sense and consciousness relating to the full experiences of the participants. Participants must have completed their studies in the humanities and social sciences (HUMSS) strand at the School Division of Bais City. The study came up with four emergent themes: Theme 1: The All-in-one package, Theme 2: Academic Alignment; Theme 3: First-come-first-serve and Theme 4: Curriculum re-touch. These themes provided a clear result of how the HUMSS graduates lived experiences in landing better opportunities.


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