HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 6 (2023)

Students’ Level of Metacognitive Awareness as correlates of their Mathematics Achievement

Real Baguin | Fe Janiola

Discipline: Education



The objective of the research was to establish the correlation between students’ metacognitive awareness and mathematics achievement. This study opted for a descriptive-correlational research design for it allows the identification of potential connections and associations, providing valuable insights into the nature of the studied relationships. A total of 306 freshman students were selected using Stratified Random Sampling with proportional allocation. The study utilized the standardized Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) developed by Schraw and Dennison (1994). The MAI is a self-report inventory and has two components, metacognitive knowledge (17 items) and metacognitive regulation (35 items). The results indicated that students exhibited a high level of both metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive regulation awareness. Moreover, the data demonstrated a significant correlation between metacognitive awareness and mathematics achievement. Students displaying elevated levels of metacognitive awareness tend to achieve higher scores in Mathematics compared to their peers. The findings suggest that metacognition significantly influences success in learning Mathematics, indicating that students with proficient metacognitive abilities excel academically in this subject. The more adept students are in identifying effective learning strategies tailored to their needs, the better they can manage their learning processes. Consequently, it is advisable for educators to employ the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory as a diagnostic tool to discern individual learning strategies among students. Additionally, the researcher suggests that future studies consider variables such as the General Point Average and learning styles for further exploration.


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