HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 6 (2023)

Flanders’ Interaction Analysis Category System in Action: Analyzing Teachers’ Classroom Discourse

Daryll Joy Barbadillo | Rogelyn Grace Barrete | Honielyn Ponce | Christian Jay O. Syting

Discipline: Education



This qualitative-descriptive study aimed to identify the different verbal interactions and most frequent and least observed interactions in the College of Teacher Education classrooms of a private non-sectarian institution in Davao City. Flanders’ Interaction Analysis Category System (FIACS) was used to analyze the gathered data. In order to utilize the FIACS, the study employed observation, where three teachers were observed for two consecutive hours, and unstructured in-depth interviews, where five teachers were interviewed. The results revealed that the different verbal interactions used by the teachers involved accepting feelings, praising or encouraging, accepting or using pupils' ideas, asking questions, lecturing, giving directions, criticizing or justifying authority, pupil-talk response, pupil-talk initiation, and silence. Among the ten categories, the most frequently observed verbal interaction was pupil talkresponse, and the least observed was silence or confusion. The findings revealed how the teachers’ verbal interactions promote active engagement in the teaching-learning process and create a thriving learning environment. From this, the teachers should provide a variety of learning opportunities to accommodate different learning needs and create interactive activities in the classroom to improve the quality of the teaching-learning process.


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