HomeDAVAO RESEARCH JOURNALvol. 12 no. 4 (2020)

The Influence of Organizational Learning Capability on Organizational Commitment of Private Schools’ Library Personnel

Catharine Caballero

Discipline: Environmental Science



Organizations continually face the challenges to compete effectively with global environments and in line with its success are the sincere commitment of employees. To cope up with the emerging needs of organizations, this study looked into the influence of organizational learning capability on the organizational commitment of library personnel. Quantitative research design was employed in this study using multiple regression analysis to determine the influence of organizational learning capability on organizational commitment. A survey questionnaire was administered to the 400 library personnel in private schools in Region XI, Philippines using total population sampling method. Findings show that organizational learning capability significantly influence organizational commitment. Further, results revealed that among the indicators of organizational learning capability, experimentation and openness was the strongest predictor of organizational commitment followed by dialogue and participative decision-making


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