HomeDAVAO RESEARCH JOURNALvol. 12 no. 4 (2020)

Capability Level and Development Priority of Learning Environment and Diversity of Learners’ Domain

Saturnino E Dalagan Jr | Maria Kristina Atugan

Discipline: Environmental Science



Creating a conducive learning environment has been a target to build a supportive and peaceful classroom where diverse learners were engaged for them to learn better. This research analyzed the Teacher’s capability level in performing each objective and the lived experiences of teachers on the performance of the two domains. In this, a convergent parallel mixed-method research design was used in which both quantitative and qualitative methods were conducted simultaneously. Eightyfive (85) respondents in the quantitative part and sixteen (16) informants in qualitative part of a small school category of Tarragona District, Division of Davao Oriental. The researchers used a survey questionnaire which was adapted from Resultsbased Performance Management System of 2018. Interviews and focus group discussions were also held. The majority of the respondents had the age bracket from 25 to 30 years old, with Teacher I regular permanent status, rendered from 0-3 years in service, and earned bachelor’s degree as highest educational attainment. Data analysis revealed that the Teacher’s capability level in performing each objective was high. Qualitative findings revealed that teachers managed classroom structuring properly; similarly, they ensure a well-ventilated classroom, arranged seats, and organized resources and instructional materials. The teachers managed and checked learners’ behavior; similarly, they set classroom rules, remind rules from time to time, impose positive reinforcement, and apply intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The teachers used differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences; similarly, they gave tasks that were suited to the interest and learning capabilities of the students. Based on the results, it is recommended to conduct a similar study but emphasizing the remaining indicators of the mentioned two domains.


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