HomeDAVAO RESEARCH JOURNALvol. 13 no. 2 (2022)

Factors affecting reading performance among Grade 3 pupils in Boston, Davao Oriental, Philippines

Princess Carl Rowelyn Paguyan | Adel Jeanne Taoc

Discipline: Education



The aim of this study is to explore the factors that affect the reading performance of Grade 3 pupils. This study was administered in a classroom with a total of 76 respondents using a researcher-made survey questionnaire that underwent a validity and reliability test. The result determined the level of reading performance of Grade 3 pupils from the data given by the advisers, which is remarked as “reader without comprehension.” Moreover, this study determined the level of practice of the factors presented, the significant difference between paired factors, and the factors that best predict reading performance. Among the factors presented, this study revealed that vocabulary knowledge, background knowledge, teacher, and parental involvement best predict the reading performance of Grade 3 pupils at Boston Central Elementary School.


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