HomeUSI Research Journalvol. 16 no. 1 (2020)

Four Care Strata – The Unraveled Concept of Care from the Lens of Patients with Hansen’s Disease of Bicol Sanitarium: A Basis for Program Development and Evaluation

Vincent Vaughn Nicolas D. Navarez

Discipline: Healthcare Sciences



A qualitative, phenomenological study was employed to unravel the concept of care of patients with Hansen’s Disease of Bicol Sanitarium. Conscious doodling and semi-structured interview shed light on the idea of care as a series of strata (Four Care Strata), further subdivided into two contrasting views into a continuum. Exploring the respondents’ care expectations and actual care experiences, the model exemplifies a series of stages that the respondents went through, from satisfying their basic needs for time, attention, and engagement (Attention), to meeting their healthcare needs and allowing them to perform their activities of daily living (Function), to developing a sense of connection with their caregivers (Communion), and until such time they are freed from their stories of remorse that haunt them until this day (Acceptance). In response to these health needs, Developmental Initiatives were proposed.


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