Bridging the gap: A comparative analysis of traditional and neural network regression methods for predicting university entrant performance in SUAST examination
Nikka A Singh | Diether C Montejo
Discipline: environmental sciences
In developing countries like the Philippines,
access to free and high-quality tertiary education is crucial for
better job opportunities. The State University Aptitude and
Scholarship Test (SUAST) is used as a college admission
examination by Davao Oriental State University (DOrSU).
However, the passing rate for SUAST was only 54% for the
academic year 2018-2023, and non-passers were still accepted
due to policy changes, which undermine the purpose of the
examination. This study aimed to identify the factors that
influence the performance of university entrants in the SUAST
examination using a researcher-made survey questionnaire
administered online, utilizing both multiple-layer perceptron
neural network (MLPNN) and multiple linear regression analysis
(MLR) methods. A sample size of 359 was recommended, and
the study found that family income, senior high school general
weighted average (SHSGWA), library entry, intrinsic goal,
openness and intellect, and behavioral reaction were significant
predictors of SUAST exam scores. MLPNN analysis further
identified library access and resources, family income, and
academic self-belief as the most important predictors of
SUAST exam scores, and MLPNN outperformed MLR. This
study provides recommendations for DepEd and HEI’s to
enhance the preparation and performance of students taking
the SUAST exam, such as offering study materials and
test-taking strategies, evaluating alternative admission tests,
and reviewing the content validity of the questionnaire.
The study also suggests looking at other indicators of student
readiness for university, such as high school grades and
extracurricular activities, and conducting future research on
the impact of financial aid and scholarships on academic
achievement and performance disparities between male
and female students.
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