HomeDMMMSU Research and Extension Journalvol. 3 no. 1 (2019)

Asset Guard: A Multi-Platform Asset Management System Using QR Code and Geolocation

Manny R Hortizuela

Discipline: Computer Engineering



This study aimed to develop a multi-platform asset management system to automate the management and tracking of assets issued to employees. Specifically, it determined the policies and procedures in issuing and monitoring assets, developed a mobile property management system using extreme programming, measure the level of acceptability using ISO IEEE 9126. Descriptive and developmental research design were used wherein the Extreme Programming Framework was adapted as a paradigm in the development of the software. Five IT experts and one property custodian determined the level of acceptability of the asset management system using checklist as data gathering tools. Findings showed that DMMMSU followed policies and procedures mandated by the Commission on Audit; the Extreme Programming development framework and JQuery was utilized to develop the system, materialize with PHP and MySQL as its backend application best run using apache server; and the usability of the asset management system is high. The system development framework, programming language used were applied to efficiently design, develop and implement the asset management system at its best performance. The asset management system of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University is very usable.


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