HomeDMMMSU Research and Extension Journalvol. 4 no. 1 (2020)

LET Readiness of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Pre-Service Teachers in DMMMSU NLUC: Basis for a LET Review Material in TLE

Randulph I Navasca

Discipline: Education



Pre-service teachers’ success in the LET shows that they have gained enough and comprehensive knowledge on their subjects, which certifies their readiness for the professional world. This study aimed to determine the level of LET readiness of the preservice teachers in DMMMSU-NLUC, as well as identify their strengths and weaknesses. This will become a basis in designing a LET Review Materials. It utilized descriptive – survey research design. Fifteen TLE pre-service teachers of the College of Education was the population of the study. The findings of the study indicate that, Cosmetology and Entrepreneurship were the strengths, while Food Technology, Business Math, Basic Drafting, Electronics Technology, Electrical Technology, Carpentry and Masonry, and Plumbing, subjects were identified weaknesses of the pre-service teachers, these results imply that they lack the necessary readiness in taking the Licensure Examination for Teachers. The College of Education shall implement enhanced LET Intervention Program for the LET takers.


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