HomeDMMMSU Research and Extension Journalvol. 6 no. 1 (2022)

Multifaceted Teaching Pedagogies of Elementary Education Instructors in the Philippines: A Locus Classicus KAP (Knowledge-Attitudes-Practices) Approach

Jomar L Aban

Discipline: Education



In the present technological age, concerned stakeholders should innovate pedagogical approaches to achieve authentic learning. Four commonly used teaching pedagogies are presented in this study: lecture method, cooperative learning, inquiry-based learning, and learning with emphasis on communication skills. The level of awareness, attitudes and utilization of these four common teaching pedagogies by Bachelor in Elementary Education (BEEd) faculty members were explored using an educational-descriptive-quantitative approach. Results show that respondents are highly aware of inquiry-based learning but are only moderately aware of lecture method, cooperative learning and learning with emphasis on communication skills. The faculty respondents have the most positive attitude on cooperative learning compared to the other three pedagogies. Contrary, the utilization of the four pedagogies in teaching are comparable. Although lecture method is the least preferred method, it is still commonly used because of its practicability in terms of class size, and convenience to the teacher. The other three pedagogies are also considered and moderately practiced. The proposed synergistic pedagogical model is formulated to intertwine the captured awareness, attitudes and practices of the BEEd faculty members on the four commonly used teaching pedagogies.


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