HomeDMMMSU Research and Extension Journalvol. 6 no. 1 (2022)

Profiling of the Beekeeping Industry: Status of Beekeeping in Region 1 and Cordillera Administrative Region

Rolyne Mae C Pajarillo | Pablo Masiong | David De Castro | Mishima P Soliba | Joseph Panas | Mac Donald Acosta

Discipline: Animal Science



Beekeeping is a viable agribusiness enterprise of smallscale farmers, and other rural and non-rural people. Despite the many returns bees give including the increasing industry stakeholders and trained beekeepers, local honey production remains very low; hence, this study was conducted to determine the profile and status of bee enterprises in Region 1 and CAR. Demographic profile, level of motivation along the STEEP factors, and enterprise profile, were gathered employing semi-structured questionnaire. Interviews and secondary data were also employed. Results revealed that majority (78.95%) belong to the working age population (21-60 years old). There were more male (75.44%) and married (78.95%) beekeepers but women participation (24.56%) was also observed. Beekeepers had a relatively high literacy rate and 98.1% completed bee trainings. More than half (68.42%) were officers/members of community organizations but they were just part-time beekeepers because they had other/main source of family income. Environmental influences e.g., vegetation, were “very highly motivating factors in engaging to. Apiary sites conformed to standards of location appropriateness and resources availability, and all beekeepers practiced migration for higher honey production. They had total colony holdings of 1,097.5 standard (10-framer), with an average of 27.44 colonies each. This classified them as commercial beekeepers based on the Philippine National Standards. Lowland and upland honey flows fall in April to May and October to December. An analogous process flow of honey harvesting, processing and storing was confirmed. Start-up investment is ?22,010.00. Average yearly operational expense per standard colony incurred by lowland beekeepers from 2000 to 2019, was ?19,367.84 which is a little higher than the upland costs due to land and truck rental, and labor fees during migration and production periods. CAR beekeepers had a higher ROI of 20.02% than those in Region 1 with 4.39%. Natural environmental harms i.e., bee-eater predator birds, typhoons, were on top of the reasons why beekeepers discontinued their apiculture projects.


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