HomeDMMMSU Research and Extension Journalvol. 7 no. 1 (2023)

A review on the intensive, highly competitive and invasive nature of Picea: A basis for natural forest management of Picea for global ecological sustainability

Jomar L Aban | Weenalei T Fajardo | Godspower O Omokaro

Discipline: ecology and environmental biology



Species diversity and biogeography is basically affected by site history. To provide an insightful basis in understanding the current distribution of Picea, paleoecological and historical assessment must be undertaken. In this study, the current schematic distribution of Picea is re-evaluated using secondhand resources as baseline information in assessing their dispersal and colonization as affected by their strategic tolerance and resilient features making them one of those globally distributed species. Thirty refereed journals were used in this descriptive-type of metaanalysis to scrutinize the intensive life processes, highly competitive nature and invasive capacity of Picea to out-compete co-occurring species until the present day. Implications of this study can be used for conservation strategies more specifically in natural forest management plans to ensure that we go beyond saving and start promoting Picea species for sustainability most especially because this species is of great ecological and economic importance.


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