HomeSMN Digestvol. 9 no. 2 (2023)

Digital Wallet Customer Loyalty of Public School Teachers in Pasig City

Patrick S Zeta

Discipline: others in business and management



The COVID-19 pandemic has modified the course of digital wallet adoption in the Philippines and has led to changes in consumer behaviors. With this shift, studies about adopting mobile wallets by different populations have emerged due to their importance for companies’ strategies. This study has adopted the model proposed by Elok and Hidayati (2021), which focused on the different factors affecting the customer loyalty of mobile wallet users. In this study, the researcher aims to determine the respondents’ perception on mobile wallets’ performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and switching barriers. This study also aims to measure the respondents’ level of habit, trust, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty on mobile wallets and determine if these constructs have a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Lastly, as suggested by Elok and Hidayati (2021), this research considered habit, trust, and customer satisfaction as mediating variables among performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and customer loyalty. By distributing physical copies of the survey questionnaire, the researcher was able to gather a total of 110 valid respondents to represent the chosen population of public-school teachers in Pasig City. The results show that the respondents have a very high level of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and customer loyalty. On the other hand, the respondents have a high level of switching barriers, customer satisfaction, trust, and habit. Furthermore, the results also show that the different constructs all significantly affect customer loyalty. This study also identifies that habit, trust, and customer satisfaction have partial mediating effects on performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and customer loyalty.


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