HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 2 (2024)

Program for International Student Assessment: A Guide for School Administrators Leading to Higher Academic Achievement

Zacarie Jo Del Rosario | Joseline Santos, PhD

Discipline: Education



This study is intended to serve as an initiative in crafting an academic enhancement program for school administrators based on the 2018 PISA results, to strengthen the PISA preparation in meeting international standards as it focuses on High School Mathematics, Science, and Reading Comprehension that may strengthen preparation for the next PISA. This study utilized purely qualitative research using documentary analysis and interviews. With document analysis, it acquired strategies necessary for improving the academic performance of the school organization, and in globalizing education, as it adapts to the teaching-learning pedagogies and other innovations in education, specifically by the top 5 performing countries in the year 2018. Data collected from the interview were analyzed based on the set criteria of Lincoln and Guba and generated into codes coding manual of Johnny Saldana, and all data were further analyzed using Braun & Clarke's (2006) framework to determine the themes of the said study. The following major findings are: a series of problems, that led to the dismal performance of students were determined based upon the PISA results. According to the school principals, more factors impact students' academic success. It can be concluded that the underlying problems of how the dismal performance of Filipino students, long before PISA, became far more evident. Through these results, the Department of Education took the opportunity to improve these undertakings with an initiative to improve academic achievement by crafting an academic enhancement program to serve as a guide for school administrators.


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