HomeHealth Sciences Journalvol. 13 no. 1 (2024)

Assessing the impact of cognitive competencies on the success in physician licensure examination: a case-control study

Norbert Lingling D. Uy | Jose Ronilo G. Juangco | Jennifer M. Nailes



Introduction In the realm of education and professional licensure, the assessment of individuals’ competencies is pivotal in determining eligibility for entry into various fields of practice. Medical school assessments encompass cognitive and non-cognitive measures. The Philippines’ Physician Licensure Examination (PLE) relies solely on cognitive assessment. This study explored the predictive power of cognitive assessment in the passing the Physician Licensure Examinations. Methods A case-control study design was done. Cognitive examination grade was defined as the average cumulative grade of written examinations in specific subjects, while the dependent variable was PLE scores. Results The study revealed a positive association between failing written examinations and failing the Physician Licensure Examination. In all subjects, there is an observed association, but only Pharmacology reached statistical significance (OR: 2.30 CI:1.01,5.24). For the remaining subjects, although there is an association, it did not reach statistical significance (Biochemistry OR:1.42, CI: 0.43, 4.72; Medicine 3 OR:1.56, CI: 0.81, 3.0; Surgery 3 OR:1.28 CI: 0.63, 2.58). There was no association seen between failing the written examination and failing the PLE in Obstetrics (OR:0.98 CI: 0.47, 2.03). Furthermore, there was a weak positive correlation (0.18-0.31) between written examination grades and corresponding board exam subject grades for all subjects, highlighting the importance of cognitive assessments in predicting success. The research also found a statistically significant difference in PLE grades between those who failed the written examinations and those who passed. Conclusion These findings emphasized the crucial role of cognitive assessments in predicting success in the PLE and its associated board subjects. The study underscored the need for medical institutions to focus on strengthening cognitive competencies and to align the content and rigor of written examinations with the PLE. Addressing these issues would better prepare students for the licensure examination and enhance the quality of healthcare professionals entering the workforce. The results may contribute to the ongoing discussion on the effectiveness of assessment methods in medical education and licensure examinations.


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