HomePCS Reviewvol. 14 no. 1 (2022)

Framing Sara Duterte-Carpio’s Candidacy in the 2022 Election

Venice Micah D. Nieva | Ayra Dorine F. Gallema | Orville B. Tatcho

Discipline: media studies



This study examined how Sara Duterte-Carpio’s candidacy in the 2022 national election was framed in the posts of four (4) Facebook groups, namely: SARA DUTERTE for President Movement, Inday Sara for President Movement, RUN SARA RUN for PRESIDENT, and SARA DUTERTE SOLID SUPPORTERS. Through frame analysis as a method anchored in the interpretivist paradigm, this qualitative research used Goffman’s categories of make-believe, contest, and ceremonial frames. In addition to the frame analysis, the researchers conducted interviews with six (6) respondents who were chosen based on their contribution to the formation of the Facebook groups as an administrator, moderator, or member. The researchers uncovered different frames in the Facebook posts: family and gender frames, cultural frames, continuity frames, and frames on a supposed public clamor for a Duterte-Carpio candidacy. This study thus concludes that (1) there is no singular frame for DuterteCarpio’s candidacy; (2) the campaign for Sara Duterte-Carpio carries over existing campaign strategies to the 2022 elections, specifically a more active involvement of voters in the campaign communication of politicians; and (3) campaigns energized by groups of individuals may be perceived as more genuine and representative of the people’s sentiments regardless of whether the campaigns are organic.


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