HomePCS Reviewvol. 15 no. 1 (2023)

Rants for Reform: Collective Consciousness and #LigtasNaBalikEskwela

Karina Y Evangelista | Tanya Amadeus Leibniz Komoda | Rian Mitchell Piamonte | Enrico Miguel D Pilapil

Discipline: media studies



The shift to remote learning highlighted several issues in the Philippines; the most significant being the socioeconomic disparities experienced by Filipino learners in the unequal access to education in the remote learning setup. Such issues prompted the public to campaign for the safe reopening of schools using #LigtasNaBalikEskwela on Twitter (now known as X). Applying Émile Durkheim’s Collective Consciousness to the digital space, this study aimed to identify how #LigtasNaBalikEskwela was utilized to construct the participating users’ collective consciousness. Using thematic and discourse analyses, we inquired into the discourses in the #LigtasNaBalikEskwela network with the primary objective of elucidating what they collectively say about the situation of remote learning in the Philippines. Our analysis of 108 tweets revealed that the current learning setup brought about different struggles and challenges to the education sector. The tweets presented how users related their personal experiences with sociopolitical concerns through interactions in the network through the use of hashtags. We found that the hashtag was used to disseminate information on the resumption of on-site classes, to describe the worsening mental health of students, to discuss the technological and financial disparities highlighted by the online mode of learning, to raise the implications of remote learning on human rights, to discuss remote learning setup in the context of the pandemic, and to criticize the government’s handling of the education sector amidst the pandemic. Our analysis also uncovered how communicative cues, such as the mention of mostly antagonistic lexical cues targeting the national government’s imposition of remote learning, shaped their collective consciousness. By and large, these frames depict the remote learning situation in the Philippines as a collective struggle—which ultimately pushes the need to call for the safe return to face-to-face learning.


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