HomePCS Reviewvol. 15 no. 1 (2023)

Communication Research Methods in Studying Sustainable Development Goals in the Philippines

Irish Jane L Talusan

Discipline: Essay



Communication is essential in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet, it can be less apparent, especially for beginning researchers, to articulate how the study of communication contributes to SDGs. As such, this essay presented some topics and methods that communication research students can pursue. As a guide on communication research methods, the author referred to the work, A Primer on Communication and Media Research, edited by Paragas (2021). To situate these methods to SDGs, the author highlighted some of the 17 goals and contextualized them in the Philippine setting through previous studies, reports, and statistical data. Ultimately, research paths were identified, which include (1) a content analysis of materials produced by companies promoting SGDs 4 and 9; (2) a textual analysis of the metaphors in a film as commentary to SDGs 1 and 2; (3) a survey reception analysis of a climate change documentary related to SDG 13; (4) an experiment to establish how such documentary can cause attitude change or (5) a qualitative reception analysis to see how audiences make meaning of it. Moreover, students could consider (6) an autoethnography of marginalized individuals and groups in the agriculture sector to address the country’s SDG 8; (7) a virtual ethnography of how social media mediates social interactions of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) with SDG 3 problems on health and wellbeing; and (8) a case study of the South-South Cooperation (SSC) between the Philippines and Indonesia about SDG 17. Overall, this essay attempts to contribute to a more localized application of communication research methods to the SGD research agenda of schools and the nation.


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