HomeThe PCMC Journalvol. 20 no. 1 (2024)

Effect of Pre-operative Isometric Exercise (PIE) on vascular caliber of stage 2-5D chronic kidney disease pediatric patients: a randomized controlled study

Karen G Escaner | Francis Z Castell | Alona R Arias-Briones | Teresita Joy P Evangelista

Discipline: medicine by specialism



Objective: To determine the effect of pre-operative isometric exercise (PIE) on vascular caliber of pediatric chronic kidney disease (CKD) Stage 2-5D patients. Material and Methods: This is a single-blind, randomized, single-center trial of 28 CKD patients. Fourteen participants allocated in the intervention group (PIE) were provided with a handgrip device and performed handgrip exercise consisting of two sets of 30 contractions daily while another 14 participants did not perform the exercise and were considered as controls (NE). For both groups, Duplex Ultrasonography was performed at baseline, four and eight weeks post-intervention. Results: Twenty-four CKD patients were included and analyzed. The mean age was 15.8 (+/- 1.9) years. There were 16 (66.7%) females and eight (33%) Males, 10 (41.7%) underweight (<18 kg/m2), 23 (95.8%) right-handed, 12 (50%) with Chronic Glomerulonephritis, and 10 (41.7%) with stage 2 CKD. Both the intervention and control group revealed a statistically significant increase in the caliber of the non-dominant cephalic (ante-cubital) vein at four- and eight-weeks post-intervention. Conclusion: PIE might not significantly impact vessel diameter in pediatric CKD population as compared to adult CKD patients. Further studies on reliability of ultrasonography of blood vessels utilizing a larger sample size and more controlled milieu are recommended.


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