HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 8 (2024)

Implementation of Minimum Health Protocols for Dine-in Restaurants in Dumaguete City, Philippines

Sheena T. Guevarra | Ryan O. Tayco | Millard Vaughn Tubog

Discipline: health studies



This study aimed to assess the implementation of minimum health protocols in dine-in restaurants in Dumaguete City. The researchers employed a descriptive research method using correlational techniques. The study focused on the owners, managers, and customers of dine-in restaurants, who were selected as respondents through convenience sampling. Results indicated that dine-in restaurants in Dumaguete City fully adhered to the government-mandated health protocols. Customers reported that the dine-in establishments they visited consistently implemented these protocols. Compliance with these measures was crucial for the restaurants to continue operating in the new normal. The study highlighted significant challenges faced by dine-in restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic, including financial and operational impacts, adjustments to new norms, and adherence to government protocols. Additionally, the research revealed correlations between these challenges and various aspects of the restaurants' organizational profiles, such as the number of part-time employees and business hours. One of the primary challenges identified was the adherence to government protocols. The findings suggest that dine-in restaurants in Dumaguete City should maintain strict implementation and monitoring of the health protocols set by the government to ensure the safety of their services and products. Adhering to these safety and health protocols is essential for controlling the spread of COVID-19 and providing a safe environment for customers


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