HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 8 (2024)

Fuel Price Increase: Unveiling the Torments and Agonies of the Transportation Sector — Basis for Policy Formation

Cydeah Aldic J. Conchas | Roel D. Apas

Discipline: social policy



This study aimed to investigate the impact of oil price hikes on the transportation sector in Padada, Davao del Sur. Utilizing a phenomenological approach and qualitative design, purposive sampling was conducted among fourteen participants from various transportation sectors. Data was analyzed through Data Reduction, Data Display, and Conclusion Verification, with assistance from a data analyst. The findings indicate that rising fuel prices significantly affect livelihoods and lifestyles, highlighting the broader impact of global issues on local communities. Additionally, increased oil prices have led to fare adjustments, impacting passengers' monthly budgets. The study suggests that government programs to support local transportation owners and drivers and initiatives for domestic oil exploration could mitigate these effects. Budget constraints and fuel price stabilization policies were also identified as relevant considerations for public administration. Consequently, it is recommended that the Local Government Unit of Padada, Davao del Sur, propose policies to address the impact of oil price increases on the transportation sector. Additionally, revising and strengthening Municipality Ordinance 003, Series of 2009, which allows for passenger fare adjustments based on daily oil prices, is advised.


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