HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 8 (2024)

Spoken Discourse Competence of Grade 5 ESL Learners: Inputs to Teaching Speaking

Mark Joseph B. Zapanta

Discipline: Education



Proficiency in speaking English significantly enhances professional and academic growth. Through speaking, individuals enrich their vocabulary, practice correct syntax, and develop spoken discourse competence. Consequently, many countries have prioritized English language learning to help students improve their spoken discourse skills. This descriptive study aimed to determine the spoken discourse competence of Grade 5 ESL learners and identify the factors students consider crucial in developing this competence. Additionally, the study sought to provide insights for improving the teaching of speaking skills. The findings reveal that Grade 5 ESL learners exhibit characteristics of developing English speakers, indicating that while they possess competency in spoken discourse, there is still room for improvement. Focus Group Discussions highlighted several factors instrumental in developing spoken discourse competence, including early exposure to the target language, interaction with family, school, and community, communicative situations, confidence in using English, media exposure, and English language instruction. The study recommends strengthening school programs that promote interaction and implementing teacher training programs to integrate media use in interactive lessons, thereby enhancing learners' communicative competence.


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