HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 8 (2024)

Influence of Self-Efficacy, Teachers' Stress, and Demographics on the Teachers' Work Commitment and Intention to Stay

Christine Joy C. Borres | Joel D. Potane

Discipline: Education



The study aimed to determine the influence of self-efficacy, stress, and demographics on work commitment and intention to stay among elementary public school teachers. The study employed a descriptive-correlational research design to ascertain the relationship between and among the variables. Regression analysis was used to establish which existing variables significantly affected teachers’ work commitment and intention to stay. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used to select 126 teacher respondents. Data were gathered through survey questionnaires validated by experts. Results revealed that teachers have high self-efficacy, moderate stress, moderate commitment, and high intention to stay. There was a significant difference in teachers' self-efficacy when grouped by age and gender, while stress showed no significant difference concerning demographics. Teachers' self-efficacy in student engagement impacts work commitment. Teachers' stress in terms of workload and instrumental support are significant predictors of teachers' work commitment. Additionally, gender and teaching experience were significant predictors of work commitment. While teachers' self-efficacy in student engagement significantly influenced their intention to stay, teachers' stress did not influence their intention to stay. Similarly, none of the examined demographic profiles significantly influenced teachers' intention to stay. Moreover, commitment to students and school statistically influenced teachers' intention to stay. In conclusion, teachers with a strong sense of efficacy in student engagement demonstrate a more profound commitment to their work. The major concepts of George Homans’ Social Exchange Theory hold because teachers' high levels of self-efficacy across domains suggest a positive exchange dynamic within the educational environment.


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