HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 8 (2024)

Beyond Winning: Lived Experiences of Thriving Young Professionals Raised in Solo-Parent Families

Giselle Ann E. Manansala | Gladiola A. Eje-Dimaculangan

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



Understanding the factors and mechanisms contributing to the success of thriving young professionals raised in solo-parent families can provide valuable insights into how these individuals overcame challenges and achieved personal and professional fulfillment. The research aimed to propose an intervention program based on the lived experiences of adults raised in solo-parent families, specifically their experiences, their views of their challenges, how they thrived despite being raised in solo-parent families, and what intervention program companies can implement for young professionals raised in soloparent families. The study employed a phenomenological approach to analyze the participants' lived experiences and used thematic analysis to examine classifications and identify recurring themes in the data. The experiences of the participants included financial struggles, lack of understanding regarding parental separation, parental abandonment, toxic family dynamics, adverse emotions, and a fearful-avoidant attachment style during adult life. The participants viewed their challenges with a positive perspective and motivation to thrive in life. Despite being raised in a solo-parent family, they thrived through faith, a positive mindset, and grit.


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