HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 8 (2024)

Big Five Personality Traits Predict Academic Self-Efficacy Among Undergraduate College Students

Maria Angelynne Dasigan | Mika Jeanela Pagalaran | Nicole Mij Anne Mauleon | Kim Daniel M. Sanchez

Discipline: Education



One factor that predicts academic success is Academic Self-Efficacy, the perceived competency to accomplish a school-related task. Big Five Personality traits are innate one’s tendencies to think, feel, and behave. Evidence indicates that specific Big Five Personality traits predict academic success. Hence, the Big Five Personality traits might influence Academic Self-Efficacy as a belief formation resulting in academic success. This study investigated the link between Big Five Personality traits and Academic Self-Efficacy. It employed purposive sampling and involved 201 undergraduate students (18-30 years old) from Manila, Philippines, who responded to the online psychological questionnaire. Results indicated a significant positive association between Academic Self-Efficacy and traits: Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Agreeableness. In contrast, Neuroticism traits indicated a negative relationship. These findings could be used as a basis for utilizing personality profiling in developing perceived academic competency among college students, potentially revolutionizing academic practices.


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