HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 9 (2024)

Caught in the Slow Lane: Effects of Unstable Internet Connectivity on Accessing Academic Resources and Collaborative Learning

Abusailan P. Akmad | Ariadna Victoria L. Abatayo

Discipline: Education



This research examined the effects of unstable internet connectivity on accessing educational resources and collaborative learning among tertiary students. A qualitative methodology, specifically narrative analysis, was employed to capture students’ experiences through in-depth interviews. Ten participants were interviewed using open-ended questions. The participants were chosen using a purposive sampling technique based on the predetermined criteria. The study highlighted that students experienced task submission delays due to internet connectivity's erratic nature. They also found accessing online resources to be time-consuming. Furthermore, it was clear that poor internet connection reduced students’ enthusiasm and ability to participate, resulting in communication challenges and affecting the promptness of finishing group projects. When the internet connection was strong, students accessed resources more quickly, conducted research more efficiently, and submitted their academic tasks on time. Conversely, poor connectivity led to significant delays and increased stress, negatively impacting their academic performance. This paper demonstrated that the internet is crucial for a more progressive educational landscape, enabling learners to gain more knowledge and improve their skills. It encouraged collaborative efforts between the government and various educational institutions to enhance students’ internet access experiences, ensuring they did not fall behind in the global academic landscape.


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