HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 5 no. 8 (2024)

Deflection Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam Frame System with 3/4 Spacing Effective Height of The Beam

David D.M. Huwae | Pieter L. Frans | Lydia R. Parera

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



This study aimed to analyze the deflection behavior of reinforced concrete beams with a spacing of 3/4 of the effective beam height. This research is a laboratory experimental study with a design of 6 (six) test objects consisting of 3 (three) normal beams (BN) as control variable beams and 3 (three) reinforcing beams of the frame system with a spacing of 0.75d (BTR75) as the independent variable. Data were analyzed using the strength design method. The results showed that the deflection behavior of reinforced concrete beams with a spacing of 3/4 of the effective beam height (BTR75) had better serviceability and increased the flexural capacity of Mu beams up to 4.60% and reduced the amount of deflection of the beam BN.


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