HomeBusiness Research Journalvol. 4 no. 1 (2018)

Responsibility, Management, and Sustainability in the 21st Century

Emiliano T. Hudtohan



This paper is a discourse on social responsibility, resource management, and sustainable development. The Filipino persona is a product of emergenetics, influenced by nature (DNA) and nurtured by society. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is now passé as corporate shared values (CSV) and corporate social initiatives (CSI) drive companies to be beneficiary-centered. China, India and Indonesia practice mandated CSR. Sustainable Development Goals are macro context social responsibility. There are three sustainable development frameworks: the Center of Alternative Development Inc. (CADI) includes spirituality; All Quadrants All Lines (AQAL) framework encompasses Filipino Loob. Human resource management is the context of the luminous self which transforms responsibility to a privilege in serving society and Mother Earth.


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