HomeBusiness Research Journalvol. 4 no. 1 (2018)

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives of Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) Philippines: A Model for Sustainable CSR Program

Lee Pil Sang | Janna Parmisano | Emiliano T. Hudtohan



This study is an exploratory and descriptive research, reviewing the philanthropic CSR, corporate shared values (CSV) and the corporate social initiatives (CSI) of Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) through its distributor Hyundai Asia Resources, Inc. (HARI) in the Philippines. Under HARI Foundation Inc. (HFI) Hyundai in the Philippines CSR initiatives for over a period of 11 years were focused on 23 CSR activities that promoted community development, environmental projects and educational scholarships. A tripartite collaboration of HARI with De La Salle Araneta University (DLSAU) and Ansanhak Research Institute Foundation (ARIF) is proposed to assist HARI’s renewed advocacy for education and environmental projects. This Tripartite Model for Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility (SCSR) is founded on a common aspiration of HARI, DLSAU, and ARIF as expressed in their respective Vision-Mission-Values. The SCSR program being proposed is anchored on the sustainability framework of the World Council on 1.Economic Development (WCED) triple bottom line for People, Planet and Prophet, 2.The human and spiritual dimensions of development of Center for Alternative Development Inc. (CADI) and 3.The integral framework of Wilber’s All Quadrants All Lines (AQAL).


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