HomeBusiness Research Journalvol. 4 no. 1 (2018)

Corporate Social Responsibility in Start-ups, Microenterprises, and Small Businesses

Leonardo R. Garcia Jr.



In 2015, there were 100 start-ups in the Philippines. That number is expected to increase tremendously by 2020. Unlike MSEs, start-ups are businesses which are not yet established and in the process of exploring, developing, and refining an idea which they believe would have a large demand. This study aims to understand what local startups and MSEs do to add value to society by means of Corporate Social Responsibility. This is important since social issues are becoming prevalent all over the world. In addition to understanding current practices, this study aims to create a Corporate Social Responsibility framework that local startups and MSEs can use to do their part in addressing social issues. An online and offline surveys answered by MSE entrepreneurs and Startup founders were conducted. The survey tackles current practices, as well as insights on how these entrepreneurs can use their business in helping address social issues. Moreover, a secondary research was conducted to set the context of the paper, and to understand the practices of businesses locally and globally. With the data retrieved, it was discovered that only few MSEs have Corporate Social Responsibility Programs. However, it is notable that despite not having solid programs, these businesses still try to remain socially relevant. The framework proposed by the researchers revolve around creating shared value to their local community, and aligning their operations with addressing social issues that can have an impact on their current line of business.


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