HomeBusiness Research Journalvol. 5 no. 1 (2019)

The Effects of Environmental Consciousness on the Brand Knowledge of Consumers in Cosmetic Market

Ria Shiella D. Co | Therine I. Caasi | Marianne Charley Lauren Dublin | Maria Teresa N. Bernabe



The environmental consciousness trend was developed for some years in all markets; thus, gave birth to a new sub-market called: “organic-cosmetic market.” This market represented cosmetics in general. As the years progressed, marketers have noticed the trend and sometimes use it into their integrated marketing communications, but it still needs to be studied properly in order to determine its effect on the purchasing behavior of consumers and their perception of the brand. The proponents thought that this environmental consciousness can influence Brand Knowledge and its two local components: Brand Image and Brand Awareness in the organic cosmetic market. This paper aimed to exploration of the impact of this specific trend on the organic-cosmetic market and studies its influence over the Brand Knowledge management, more precisely the relationship between Brand Image and Brand Awareness. With that in mind, the writers chose to hold a survey of an organic cosmetic brand, Human Nature and how consumers perceived that brand through environmental awareness.


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