HomeBusiness Research Journalvol. 5 no. 1 (2019)

Extended Marketing Mix Model on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty at McBride Corporation

Emmanuel S. Marquez | Mary Graciel M. Venturina | Maria Teresa N. Bernabe



The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of extended marketing mix elements on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. To measure McBride Corporation’s extended marketing mix, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty to come up with better marketing strategy to be more competitive in the market and to gain more customers and to retain existing customers. The study used descriptive approach to answer the problems stated and to arrive at conclusions. To evaluate the model and hypotheses, data collection was carried out through surveying 189 respondents from 93 different random companies who are customers of McBride Corporation in Metro Manila. Majority of the respondents were male (60%), age bracket of 36 – 55 years old (77%), most of the respondents were Manager (44%) and most were from customers that is availing McBride products in the span of 5 years. The study found McBride’s marketing mix very effective. However, Physical Evidence and Promotion were in the bottom ranking with a mean of 4.00 followed by Price (4.01) and Process (4.02). Place (4.09), People (4.12) and Product (4.25) were relatively high. The result of the study also shows that the respondents were satisfied with McBride Corporation overall (4.08). The study shows that respondents were often loyal to McBride overall (4.01). The study shows that there is significant relationship between Extended Marketing Mix to Customer Satisfaction except the Product element. The result also shows that relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty is also significant. McBride Corporation’s marketing mix element Promotion, Physical Evidence and Price are the lowest, they need to focus and improve in these areas. McBride Corporation should push their marketing strategies to increase and become extremely effective to level up its customers’ satisfaction and lead to their loyalty.


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