HomeBusiness Research Journalvol. 5 no. 1 (2019)

Financial Risk Tolerance of Faculty Members in a State University

Annie Lyn Tuscano | Haydee Euyssee Alonzo | Jerico John G. Dalangin



This research aimed to determine the financial risk tolerance of university faculty members in Caloocan. It also aimed to assess if there are differences on the financial risk tolerance of respondents when their profile is considered. This study used descriptive and quantitative method to gathered data. A sample size of 200 faculty members in Caloocan was part of the study. An adaptive questionnaire used in gathering data. Purposive sampling used because only selected respondents was part of the study. Convenient Statistical treatment was used in interpreting data. The statistical tools that used in the study are Frequency and Percentage, Independent Sample T-test, and ANOVA. Results in the study shows that the majority of the respondents in terms of age are 26-30, in terms of sex are female, in terms of civil status are married, in terms of income level are within 20,000 – 29,999. When analyzing the data of financial risk tolerance shows that the highest perceive is financial behavior. When demographic profile is considered some factors have significant difference in financial risk tolerance some have no significant difference. However, the implication is that a person’s demographic profile is not a big impact factor on the person’s level of financial risk tolerance It shows that financial risk tolerance of faculty members in Caloocan have an average level which makes them careful and cautious on deciding on whether they should take the risk or not. Although they have an average financial risk tolerance it doesn’t mean that this applies in all circumstances because there are instances that they need to take risks that are relevant on their finances which cause why they fall sometimes into debt.


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