HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 3 (2024)

Working Conditions of Teachers in a Public School Setting

Sophia Gwyneth E. Beniga | Rex A. Lim | Biancamille A. Busalla | Jade Dianne S. Callora | Erique Joshua B. Barral

Discipline: Education



This study determined the possible existing differences in the working conditions of elementary and high school teachers. A comparative research design was employed. Researchers collected data using an online survey questionnaire. The online survey questionnaires provided the researchers with the necessary data collection for this study. The researchers selected the respondents through clustered random sampling. Approximately 108 instructors from various Davao City schools participated in this study. This study revealed a significant difference in working conditions between elementary and secondary school teachers, with elementary school teachers having better working conditions.


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