HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 3 (2024)

Exploring Collaborative Learning through the Lens of Grade 8 Achievers

Cherrylen T. Villadiego

Discipline: Education



This study investigated the perspectives of Grade 8 Achievers on collaborative learning, aiming to understand their experiences with this educational approach in classrooms. The research employed a qualitative approach to examine collaborative learning through the lens of student participants. This approach addressed the gap in traditional research, which often focuses on the facilitator's perspective. The findings revealed valuable insights into the transformative potential of collaborative learning for high-achieving students. Notably, the study highlighted the importance of fostering trust, creating safe spaces for exploration, and the role of "social knowing" in collaborative knowledge construction. These insights offer valuable information for educators to design and implement collaborative learning experiences that empower students to learn from and with each other, fostering a richer understanding of the collaborative learning process and its impact on learners.


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