HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 3 (2024)

Focus Group Research Writeshop: An Intervention in Teaching Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Fredelyn D. Variacion | Lalaine L. Jarical

Discipline: Education



This study is intended to assess the Focus Group Research Writeshop as an intervention in teaching Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion (3Is) to selected GAS students. This study utilized a pre-experimental research design. Creswell (2018) defined preexperimental research design as a form of experimental research where the researcher studies a single group and implements an intervention during the experiment. The following major findings are: the selected Grade 12 GAS students have a research competency level of 42% marked as average mastery before the research intervention; the selected Grade 12 GAS students have a research competency level of 61% marked as average mastery after the research intervention; and the selected Grade 12 GAS students significantly performed better after the proposed research intervention. This finding suggests that the proposed research intervention was effective in improving the research competency level of the selected Grade 12 GAS students. It can be concluded that the research intervention may be used by other teachers to help their students improve their own research competency level.


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