HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 3 (2024)

Mind your own Business: A Case Study on the Non-cognitive Skills of Senior High School Graduates Ending Up as Business Owners

Hazel S. Capili | Marleonie M. Bauyot

Discipline: Education



The study aimed to describe the experiences of Filipino K-12 graduates who chose to set up their businesses after finishing Senior High School rather than entering into other K-12 exits like employment, University education, and skills enhancement. Filipino Senior High School (SHS) graduates proceeded to entrepreneurship due to immediate family needs and other economic and practical reasons. Thus, this study determined why the SHS graduates directly proceeded with entrepreneurship, described the challenges they encountered, acknowledged the coping strategies they used to solve them, and gathered the insights they obtained in their business venture. The study's respondents were SHS graduates from batch 2018-2023 who were able to establish an entrepreneurial activity in at least two years. The researchers collected the data through a semi-structured interview to obtain the respondents' experiences, such as challenges, coping, and insights. The study reveals that Filipino SHS graduates often pursue entrepreneurship directly after graduation for practical reasons. These reasons included saving money for college, preparing for future financial responsibilities, and addressing immediate family needs. Additionally, while the K-12 program equipped these graduates with essential skills for managing their businesses, they still encountered significant challenges beyond the scope of their education. In light of these, the study encourages further investigation of the entrepreneurship preparation element of the K–12 curriculum, which addresses concerns like access to capital, regulatory challenges, or the practicalities of day-to-day business operations that require more than simply theoretical knowledge. Overall, the findings of the study offer a perspective into SHS graduates' preparedness for entrepreneurship in the Philippines and suggest that the current curriculum be reevaluated to enhance its efficacy through the inclusion of more real-world applications, practical problem-solving experiences and support systems that assist graduates navigate the challenges of starting and sustaining a business.


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