HomeMSEUF Research Studiesvol. 21 no. 1 (2024)

Development of an Arduino-based Calorimeter tool for Physics Laboratory Exercises

Ronaldo C. Maaño | Luzviminda D. Sinapilo | Ulrich Divina | Guillermo M. Rago

Discipline: Computer Engineering



Engineers need a deep understanding of nature beyond mere theory; they usually learn this in laboratories. Interactive engagement tactics promote conceptual knowledge by engaging students in heads-on and hands-on activities with quick feedback from classmates and teachers. Physics is a prerequisite for engineering students focused on providing knowledge and skills needed in today’s scientific and technological progress. Physics laboratory experiments are essential for acquiring hands-on skills and linking theory and practice in engineering. A calorimeter is a piece of laboratory equipment utilized in the practical application of physics. Calorimeters measure heat flow and thermal capacity in thermodynamic systems. Due to the significance of variations in temperature in both physical and chemical reactions, calorimeters are an essential piece of apparatus in educational and scientific settings. Universities must maintain strong academic standards and provide a high-quality student experience to meet learning outcomes for each degree program. This has created a challenge in higher education, as academics must use digital transformation in teaching and other laboratory delivery methods. The primary purpose of this research is to develop an Arduino-based calorimeter for physics laboratory exercises. Utilizing Research and Development (R & D) methodology, an Arduino-based calorimeter prototype was designed and developed to measure an object’s temperature and mass change. Using DS18B20 and a 3kg weight sensor, mass and temperature readings from a calorimeter are reflected in an LCD. The prototype is used to determine indirect temperature and mass in a specific heat experiment. The Arduino-based calorimeter reduced tedious setup and percentage error in human measurement. The digital thermometer exhibited a 3.17 percent difference from the acceptable value. At the same time, the digital scale calibration showed an almost 8 percent difference.


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