HomeJournal of Education, Management, and Development Studiesvol. 3 no. 4 (2023)

Work Task Motivation, Emotional Intelligence and Public Leadership: Structural Equation Model on Organizational Culture

Maria Anabel Escosora | Eugenio Guhao Jr.

Discipline: Social Sciences



This study aimed to determine the best-fit model of organizational culture of public schools as influenced by work task motivation, emotional intelligence, and public leadership of school heads. The study’s respondents were the 403 teachers in Davao Region, Philippines, using correlational and structural equation modeling. The results showed that the levels of work task motivation, teachers’ emotional intelligence, and organizational culture were very high, while the public leadership of school heads was high. Further, all exogenous variables showed significant correlations with organizational culture. Finally, findings showed Model 3 as the best-fit model. Model 3 revealed that work task motivation was described by its three remaining indicators, namely introjected regulation, motivation, and external regulation, while the exogenous variable, emotional intelligence, was measured by its two retained indicators, namely self-awareness and motivation; the exogenous variable Public Leadership of School Heads was explained by its two remaining domains, namely: accountability leadership, and rule-following leadership. On the other hand, the endogenous variable organizational culture was described by its three retained indicators: ta,oc, and km. This implies that the Department of Education may consider strengthening the retained indicators through its faculty development program to improve the school’s organizational culture.


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