HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 11 (2024)

Servant Leadership Practices, School Heads’ Decision-Making Skills, and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction

Anjoe Rean C. Almazan

Discipline: Education



This study investigated the servant leadership practices, school heads’ decision-making skills, and job satisfaction of teachers in the schools’ division of Zambales. The use of survey questionnaire was used to gather data, observing anonymity and informed consent. The study findings revealed that servant leadership was a highly evident practice of School Heads. The school heads and teachers strongly agreed that school heads possess decision-making skills and were very satisfied with their job. There was a significant difference in the servant leadership practices of school heads as to persuasive mapping as perceived by teachers when they are grouped according to the length of service; a significant difference in the assessment of the decision-making of school heads as to dimensions when they were grouped according to profile variables; the significant difference in the assessment of teachers on the decision-making skills of school heads as to self-efficacy when they are grouped according to highest educational attainment; significant difference in the job satisfaction of teachers in terms of belief in organizations’ values and goals as to civil status; and, significant in terms of desire to maintain membership with the organization as to age. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between servant leadership practices and the decision-making skills of school heads. There was a significant relationship between the servant leadership practices of school heads as perceived by teachers and the job satisfaction of teachers. Based on the findings and the conclusions obtained, the researcher recommended that school heads imbibe more servant leadership practices and encourage them to use a decision-making style in their leadership to improve the job satisfaction of their teachers by becoming more collaborative and democratic.


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