Exploring the Impact of Modern Rice Farming Technologies on Small-Scale Rice Farmers in Tanauan, Leyte, Philippines
John Paul Villanueva | Samuel S. Sudario | Jenny Babe V. Vertudes | Gil Patrick P. Carrata | April Rose C. Advincula
Discipline: Agriculture
The use of modern rice farming technologies in modern agriculture plays a big role in developing countries like the Philippines in terms of food security and farmers’ earnings. Hence, it has undoubtedly brought advantages to rice farmers. However, it also brought disadvantages to them. This phenomenological research aimed to understand the lived experiences of small-scale rice farmers using modern rice farming technologies. Fifteen (15) farmers from Brgy. Sta. Elena, Tanauan, Leyte were purposively selected as the study participants. The data were collected using open-ended questions and semi-structured interviews and were analyzed using Braun and Clarke’s method of data analysis. Based on the findings, the results of modern rice farming technologies were categorized into positive and negative impacts. Moreover, farmers have also experienced problems with new technologies, which they find financially challenging because new farming technologies are costly and require high maintenance. Farmers also encountered the ineffectiveness of Agri-systems and programs, such as inadequate government backing and the insufficient implementation of farm-to-market options, which the farmers are looking into to attain sustainability. The researcher implicates the collaboration of Civil Organizations, the partnership between private sectors and Local Government Unit (LGU), a continuous training session covering topics involving new methods from the Department of Agriculture (DA), and the increase and sustainable supply of hybrid seed varieties, fertilizers, and pesticides in order for the small-scale rice farmers to have a sustainable livelihood.
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