Embracing Humility: A Case Study on the Transition of Former School Leaders to Subordinate Roles
Cedar Jan G. Agua | Princes Joy G. Arambala | Edroslyn J. Fernandez | Meralou M. Idulsa
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
This study explores former school leaders' experiences and coping mechanisms transitioning to subordinate roles within educational settings. Using a qualitative case study design, data were collected through in-depth interviews with three purposively selected participants who previously held leadership positions and are now employed in subordinate roles within schools. Participants were licensed educators who met specific inclusion criteria, including prior leadership experience. Thematic analysis of the interview data revealed that these individuals faced emotional challenges, such as identity shifts and feelings of loss, but also demonstrated growth through humility and adaptability. Key coping mechanisms included building support networks, sharing knowledge, and managing time effectively. The findings emphasize the role of flexibility and resilience in navigating role transitions, highlighting their importance in promoting a collaborative and enriching educational environment.
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