HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 12 (2024)

Perspectives on Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education Implementation in the Philippines

Jhonas S. Lumanlan | Ryan De La Torre | Fevvie Von Asistio | Lani G. De Guia | Hoa Do | Eduardo Teodoro Ramos Jr. | Ma. Jhona B. Acuña

Discipline: Education



This qualitative content analysis is aimed at analyzing the status and school support programs or activities for MTBMLE implementation in selected schools in the Philippines through the perspectives and experiences of 15 participating teachers and school administrators. A phenomenological research design laid out the theoretical groundwork of this study as it looked into the participants’ lived experiences using semi- structured interviews. Transcripts were analyzed for codes, thematized into three discussion headings: (a) status and school support on the implementation of MTBMLE; (b) perspectives on the importance of L1 or Mother Tongue as MOI and learning area; and (c) awareness on the principles of MTBMLE. In summary, the findings showed that regarding the status and school support on implementing MTBMLE, the schools adhered to the provisions of the guidelines set by the Department of Education. In terms of the participants’ perspectives on the value of L1 or mother tongue as MOI and a learning area, the benefits of L1 or mother tongue use in pedagogy are recognized; finally, regarding the participants' awareness of the underlying principles of MTBMLE, a few expressed incomplete, if not lacking, awareness at all. However, all of them were deemed knowledgeable, with an implicit willingness to learn more about the concept. Recommendations for further research were indicated. This paper stands unique among others for its method of analysis and its unique look at the implementation status seen through school support and status, perspectives of teachers and school administrators, and awareness of the same on the principles of MTBMLE.


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