Learning Modalities and Styles of SPED Students and Interns: An Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Maria Magdalena B. Sabando | Joel T. Ubat | Von Bruun M. Pelletero | Disafe A. Dini-ay | John Anthony M. Cabildo | Jefie D. Butalid
Discipline: Education
This study used descriptive research design to assess the relationship of the learning modalities and learning styles of SPED students and student interns during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The instrument was adopted by O’Brien (1985). The data was interpreted using descriptive and relational analytical schemes to analyze the result. The following statistical tools were used to treat data: percentage, weighted mean, and relationship strength. The 281 respondents answered the questionnaire through Google Forms. The study showed a strong relationship between the following variables: (a) students’ visual learning modality and visual learning style (rs = 0.873); (b) students’ auditory learning modality and auditory learning style (rs = 0.526); and (c) students’ kinesthetic learning modality and learning style (rs = 0.737). This signifies that students with a more visual learning style utilize visual learning modalities. It also signifies that students were more exposed to auditory learning styles performed in class using the auditory learning modality. Furthermore, students with a kinesthetic learning style tend to utilize the kinesthetic learning modality more. CTE special and inclusive SPED students of NORSU-Guihulngan Campus are adopting learning modalities suitable for their needs during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Furthermore, there are special conditions that need to be emphasized so that they can achieve academic success in this new normal set-up. The university must establish a learning environment where they are provided with adequate resources, including audio-visual materials. Blended learning must be continuously adopted. However, it should be flexible enough to cater to the various needs of the SPED students while considering their learning styles.
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